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Choral Warmups

Please enjoy these complementary choral warmups which focus on vowels, rhythms, articulation, dynamics, and phrasing relevant to each corresponding piece. 


Each downloadable PDF contains a conductor resource, singer page, and a piano accompaniment page. Feel free to create photocopies or project these warmups for your choir!

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 Choral Resources 


Free Discussion Guides

Downloadable discussion guides offer insights into several of my choral pieces, including information about the text and poet, my personal inspiration behind each piece, as well as musical questions to consider. Explore these guides to add meaningful dialogue in your ensembles!


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All State Repertoire


It's an incredible honor to have eleven pieces programmed on All State Festival Concerts across the country during the 2023-24 school year! Many thanks to the conductors for their musical leadership and for programming this titles!

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Free Music

"Songs from Silence" for SATB, SA, or TB Chorus


These short companion pieces are designed to be simple, repetitive, and flexible to meet the needs of a variety of choirs. Try them as a warm up or even in performance. 

Songs from Silence music cover
Grand Piano

 Piano Accompaniment Tracks

 Accompaniment tracks are now available

for rehearsal or performance:


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