Caritas from Illuminare
Choral Warmups
Please enjoy these complimentary choral warmups that focus on specific vowels, rhythms, articulation, dynamics, and phrasing relevant to each corresponding piece.
Each downloadable PDF contains a conductor resource, singer page, and a piano accompaniment page. Feel free to create photocopies or project these warmups for your choir!

the Music
Caritas, the second movement from Illuminare, portrays a tender season of beauty as the elegant words of Hildegard von Bingen hearken back to the goodness and purity of Eden. The opening measures feature the treble voices weaving “from the depths most excellent to beyond the stars.” As tenors and basses join, all voices ascend together to highlight “pacis” (peace). The piece concludes with serene sustained tones, creating a concert selection to be cherished on any program.

“Love abounds in all,
from the depths most excellent
to beyond the stars...”
- Hildegard von Bingen
Additional Caritas