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Choral Warmups
Please enjoy these complimentary choral warmups that focus on specific vowels, rhythms, articulation, dynamics, and phrasing relevant to each corresponding piece.
Each downloadable PDF contains a conductor resource, singer page, and a piano accompaniment page. Feel free to create photocopies or project these warmups for your choir!

the Music
This joyous and rhythmic a cappella setting of St. Augustine's text in a buoyant 7/8 meter is brimming with vitality and energy. The contrasting middle section offers expansive lines and lush harmonies which propel the music into exciting key changes and a climactic ending. A wonderful opening selection for more advanced mixed choirs!

“All shall be Amen and Alleluia.
Behold our end which is no end.”
- Saint Augustine

Additional Alleluia Resources
More Warmups to Explore
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